Psychological Practice Dr. phil. Beate Kilian
Systemic Therapy, Hypnosis, Structural Constellations, Coaching

Psychological Practice Dr. phil. Beate Kilian
Systemic Therapy, Hypnosis, Structural Constellations, Coaching

Hypnosis, Trance and GUided Regression

Trance and hypnotic states are archaic phenomena that are found in every culture. Often, the term "hypnosis" is associated with the socalled show hypnosis, in which the hypnotized person follows orders appearantly without will. Therapeutic hypnosis however, applied in a solution-focussed way, is entirely different. Here, the client experiences a state of consciousncess, in which the personal inner world and unconscious is more easily accessible compared to the normal awake state. When the logical thinking of the rational mind the linear experience of time steps into the background, individual personal solutions can be initiatied creatively from within, guided by  the client's inner wisdom via imagery, bodily sensations or spontaneous insights. 

I work in the tradition of Milton Erickson and his scholars, where hypnosis is used respectfully and in a non-directive manner. Throughout, the client stays in close contact with the therapist, communication via body signals or even speaking is possible. This way of using hypnosis and trance is one the most effective methods in psychotherapy and coaching. Commonly, a noticeable change takes place already after one session.

Dependent on the client’s concern, a regression into earlier phases of life or prenatal states may be appropriate, for instance in the case of trauma. If such experiences remain unresolved or are suppressed under the expense of psychic energy, fears or insecurities may arise, compromising trust and the quality of life. In hypnosis or trance, feelings locked within the memory of a stressful event can be released and integrated. I give great emphasis onto your personal safety and work in such a way that stressful events are only monitored from a distance. If desired, I also lead regressions into previous lifes or life forms. Often, this leads to an even deeper understanding of one’s inner processes and connections.