more about Systemic Structural Constellations

Systemic Structural Constellations (SySt®) were developed by Insa Sparrer and Matthias Varga von Kibéd at the SySt Institute in Munich and encompass a multitude of formats, out of which the appropriate one is selected dependent on the client's concern. They differ in many ways from the tradition of Bert Hellinger, integrate hypnotherapeutic elements and are free from ideological premises. Every constellation is unique and individual. Outer systems such as families or organisations can be set as well as inner systems or abstract constructs such as decision alternatives, an issue behind a certain symptom, a personal belief or a blockage regarding a particular goal.

After an initial solution-focussed interview, representatives of certain aspects of the client system are positioned in the room by the client. By means of the phenomenon of representative perception, representatives are able to communicate the changes they experience on the respective positions. These can be feelings, inner images or bodily reactions. That way, the client is able to first view the situation from the outside. At a certain point of time, the client replaces his or her own representative and experiences the process towards solution him- or herself. The constellation of the representatives and their positions towards each other reveal the dynamics within the client's inner system and thus simultaneously offer the direction towards the solution. Most often, the constellation shows unknown aspects, contexts of a symptom, interpersonal entanglements or ressources of the client that can be integrated. The connection with one's own feelings, needs, wishes and talents is deepend, and the trust in one's own perceptions and decisions is strengthend.
