Giftedness is commonly defined as a measurable intelligence qoutient of 130 or higher. Giftedness however, is a lot more than an extraordinary intellectual talent. It is characterized by a generally higher acitivation level, more intensive sensations and perceptions, a more complex emotional world and a greater level of moral thinking. A gifted child is not simply a child with special talents or cognitive abilities which can be fostered. Its intellectual potential affects all areas of life, their perception, experience and reflection, such that it is inextricably linked to the child’s personality.
To gifted people, a lot of things come easier than to others. At the same time, they face special challanges in many areas of life. The complexity of their thinking, their love of perfection and their readiness to continuously question things in order to find a better solution or more comprehensive answer may lead to unfulfillable expectations towards themselves and others and to disappointments. Their high level of self-reflection sometimes makes gifted people more vulnerable to self-criticism and self-doubt. Often, not only do they show a hightened sensory sensitivity but also a strong sense of justice and great empathy with nature and mankind, and therefore may experience certain situations or circumstances as more distressful, already at a younger age. Due to their precise social perception they not rarely tend to downplay or even deny their abilities. At the same time, their direct nature as well as their willingness to accept a personal disadvantage if it serves a higher value or goal may lead them into trouble with authorities.
I have many years of professional and personal experience with gifted peole and offer counselling regarding the academic and professional context as well as social and emotional issues for people of all ages. In my experience, due to their excellent personal and social perception and reflection abilities, gifted children are able to quickly realize ideas and suggestions from counselling.
More informationen regarding giftedness you can find here.